Although we are slowly “getting used to” the coronavirus all around us, we have to admit that the worldwide pandemic has a tremendous impact on the industry. The dynamics in many businesses have changed dramatically. There are entrepreneurships fighting for survival (for example in the entertainment industry), whereas the others are thriving while having a significant increase in their profits (for example the SEO and Internet marketing industry).
How is the packaging industry doing?
For the last seven years, on the Polish market there have been observed a rising trend in the packaging industry. Nowadays the demand for various types of packaging is continually rising, for instance due to the online services and online shopping increased popularity. Apart from that, in the light of the global problem of pandemic the packaging production has become significant. The demand for medicine, means of personal protection, and other items has risen. They have to be supplied not only to retail clients, but also in wholesale to hospitals and medical centers. This has caused the increased need for producing more medicine packaging which is safe and durable.
The new challenges for the industry
As a result of the pandemic, transport of raw materials and many products is constricted, for example due to closing many countries’ borders. This has an impact on the cost of acquiring intermediate goods for the packaging production. What also influences the labour costs is the necessity of applying additional safety measures which prevent spreading the virus. Supplying goods for the pharmaceutical industry and medical facilities should however be efficient and continuous – despite the present obstacles, in order to prevent the crisis putting the society’s health in danger.
How is Preston Packaging functioning?
In Preston Packaging we have always paid particular attention to prompt and safe delivery. This is why despite the present restrictions we place extra importance on smooth and sustained production along with delivering products withing the given deadlines. Producing the packaging for medical products, dietary supplements, and cosmetics we have always took extra care of the sanitary aspects in the production process. This did not change – we are still keeping all the safety standards. We would like our clients to be fully satisfied with the products’ quality also in the times of having bigger expectations when it comes to safety and sanitation. Our employees are provided with disinfectants and measures of personal safety. Moreover, our office staff can work from home.
We have not forgotten about our development and regardless of the pandemic we have not resigned from all the already planned investments. Recently we have installed a new printing machine (the video documenting the installation process is available at the beginning of this article) Heldelberg Speedmaster XL 106-7 + LYYL. Moreover, we are still developing and improving our production processes. This allows us to provide the best service quality and meet the market’s expectations with regard to the increasing pace of packaging production.
See also an interview with Stanisław Karoński and Filip Karoński: